Holistic Health
Yoga and Meditation
As part of the Corazon Holistic Health model, we offer mindfulness-focused yoga classes. Each class we offer is designed to help you strengthen your body-mind connection, reduce stress, improve concentration, and aid in a greater ability to adapt to your environment.
Basic Yoga
Basic Yoga is an all-levels class designed for beginners as well as seasoned practitioners who want to refine their practice. This class will focus on teaching the shapes and general alignment of basic yoga poses and variations of sun salutations. Breathwork and meditation will round out this yoga practice.
Body, Breath & Mind
In this class, you will explore the practices of movement, conscious breathing, and meditation to expand awareness and assist in understanding your inner and outer world. Move through gentle yoga poses to open the body and incorporate breathing techniques that activate your life energy. Utilize guided meditation to enter the quiet space of the mind. This class is suitable for all levels of students.
Stretch and Strengthen
The Stretch and Strengthen class combines strength conditioning exercises, traditional yoga poses, basic stretches, and relaxation exercises designed to strengthen and tone the body, and focus and calm the mind. All levels, beginners welcome.
Align and Flow
Align and Flow is an all-levels alignment-based class that synchronizes movement with breath to sweetly open the body. Each class will begin with a brief period of centering followed by an active warm-up. The class will then progress to include sections of vinyasa flow with longer held poses, creating an opportunity to go deeper in a pose and cultivate more awareness within it. Class will end with a period of deep relaxation.
Hips and Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga might best be described as a supported, conscious body/mind relaxation practice. When supported with props, the body relaxes and opens, releasing tension and stress. Restorative poses offer benefits to both the body and mind. Students will hold a small number of relaxing poses for extended periods of time to enjoy some self-love and care, some deep meditative time and stress relief. This class is suitable for all levels of yoga students.
Flow and Strengthen
This playful flow class combines core strengthening exercises with alignment-based yoga sequences. This is a perfect lunch break practice for those who wish to bring more movement, focus, and energy into their day. This class is suitable for all levels of yoga students.
Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga is designed for students who want to move at a slower pace. Each class will take you through a series of gentle movements helping you connect your breath and body. This class is well-suited for beginners or those who want to release tension and stress.
Strength, Stretch, and Savasana
This class will begin with Pilates-inspired strengthening exercises designed to connect you to your core and create stability in your body. From a strong, warmed up core, you will move into deeper stretches. Class will end with sweet deep relaxation.. his class is suitable for all levels of yoga students.
Rise and Flow
This morning class will begin slowly and gently, then gradually build up to an energetic flow. A few seated postures help ground your energy for the day ahead. A restful savasana at the end makes this the perfect balanced practice. This class is suitable for all levels of yoga students.
Weekly Class Schedule
12:00-1:00 pm Basic Yoga with Juliet Hewitt
4:30-5:30 pm Hips and Restorative Yoga with Trudie Wierts
6:00-7:00 pm Stretch and Strengthen with Missy LeAna Jones
12:00-1:00 pm Flow and Strengthen with Kyra Strasberg
6:00-7:00 pm Basic Yoga with Juliet Hewitt
12:00-1:00 pm Strengthen, Stretch, and Savasana
with Missy LeAna Jones
6:00-7:00 pm Hips and Restorative Yoga with Missy LeAna Jones
12:00-1:00 pm Body, Breath & Mind with Sharon Bass
4:30-5:30 pm Hips and Restorative Yoga with Juliet Hewitt
6:00-7:00 pm Align and Flow with Juliet Hewitt
12:00-1:00 pm Align and Flow with Juliet Hewitt
10:00-11:00 am Rise and Flow with Carlie Flowers
On summer break - will resume in September
5:30-6:30 pm Body, Breath, & Mind with Sharon Bass
On summer break - will resume in September
$30 for 30 Days Unlimited Yoga Pass (new students; first month only)
5 Class Pass - $60 (expires 3 months from purchase)
$15 Drop-In
$100 Monthly Unlimited Yoga Membership
Private Yoga or Guided Self-Massage with Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls with Juliet Hewitt, E RYT-500
30 Minutes - $40
60 Minutes - $75
No pre-registration is needed to attend classes. Mats, blocks, and straps are available for your use. Call us if you have any questions about yoga classes.
If these times don't work for you or you desire more one on one instruction please Book a private yoga or meditation session!